Purchase Guide - Ophthalmic Lenses, Blanks & Micro Fiber Cleaning Cloth 2024



Purchase Guide - Ophthalmic Lenses, Blanks & Micro Fiber Cleaning Cloth 2024 (PG240101, 7M) of Y&S is available for download from http://www.ystj.com/optical/od_1.htm. Most updated price lists, available power range, curve & thickness chart of each product and general conditions of Y&S are included in this guide. The file is in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf file), if you cannot open it in your system, please download
Adobe Reader from www.adobe.com, thanks! In fact, the same content is also available in website ------ http://www.ystj.com/optical/od_index.htm. All prices are in US Dollars, a discount is applicable for big quantity orders. For more information, please contact info@ystj.com.