Ophthalmic Lenses Registered with FDA in USA

To extend sales of ophthalmic lenses in US market, Y & S (Tianjin) Industries Ltd. registered its products with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) successfully in April of 2002. Registration details are as follows.

FDA Registration No. 3003691828
Operations: Manufacturer
Owner/Operator No. 9050929
Classification Name: Lens, Spectacle, Non-custom (Prescription)
Device Class: 1
Product Code: HQG
Regulation No. 886.5844
Medical Specialty: Ophthalmic
Date of Listing: 04/18/02

More details are available with Mr. Felix Lee of Optical Division (Tel: +86 10 84852211 Ext. 151; Fax: +86 10 84852233; E-mail: lijia@ystj.com)